Auteur: Marie pascale Rauzier

SKU : 3004584

GENCODE : 9789920560030

Horses, Morocco’s treasure

Livraison de 24H à 96H

Maison d’édition : Langage du Sud

Date de parution : 19/11/2021

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550 DH

Heritage, Barbe, Dialogue, Races, Stud Farms … This fine book explores the historic and emblematic universe of Morocco’s horses in 10 words. This unprecedented work describes life experiences, emotions, and sensations, initiating the reader into a world that is as complex as it is fascinating. Intended for a wide audience, this book takes the reader on a deep exploration of the world of horses, to better understand the Kingdom’s equine heritage, and the evolution of the horse within its environment. Each word is revealed through texts written specifically for the book, as well as quotations, poems, and vintage texts. Art provides the narrative thread across the pages, through photography, illustration, and poetry that translate the passion and pride inspired by the horses of Morocco.

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